
earth terminal

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earth terminal为短语/超纲词汇
1. Earth movements in the past elevated great areas of the seabed.

2. Even a telescope in orbit round the earth, like the very successful Hubble telescope, would not be suitable because of the dust particles in our solar system.

3. Earth looks like a big blue marble (玻璃球); from high above the Earth and from the moon, the planet gleams and shines.
    地球看上去就像一个巨大的蓝色玻璃球, 从高高的地球上空或从月球上望去,这颗行星熠熠生辉,闪闪发光。

4. Engelbreit is cheerful, down-to-earth, humorous, and always cute.

5. Experimental data seem to indicate that the amount of radon (Rn) in the water under the surface of the Earth waxes before an earthquake.

6. Even trees live longer than people, and the Earth itself is far older.

7. By comparison, relatively little is known about the internal structure of the earth.

8. But suppose the earth could be covered with sensors spaced one foot apart, rising at one-foot intervals all the way to the top of the atmosphere.

9. Because the Moon has only an eightieth of the Earth´s mass,

10. Because the gravity on the Moon´s surface is only a sixth of Earth´s (remember how easily the Apollo astronauts bounded along),
    由于月球表面的重力仅是地球表面的1/6 -- 还记得阿波罗飞船中的宇航员累松地跳跃 --
